I took my time getting around to reading this, I was reading so many women getting pissed off at this Tony guy. Then when the second book came out and women were torn between loving him and hating him, I knew I'd cave eventually and read it. I bought the book and added it to my hoarding list.
So it was the middle of the week and I could not buy any more books to read till I got paid again, I'd reach my max for the month (I already have more books than I'll get around to next year, but I always want more). I pulled this off the back burner from my kindle.
And what do you know, by the time I was finished I was kicking myself in the ass for waiting so long getting to it.
Consequences blew my ass to kingdom come. At first I thought some parts were slow, but then I got it. It was building, buttering you up. It was lyrical in prose while doing it until you get to the remanding 85% left of the book then...
....I wanted to KILL Tony. I thought all these woman even considering any kind of love for him were out of their damn minds!
But then I started the second book immediately and realized...
(but lets stay on this book)
Claire....oh Claire. At first I was pissed that she didn't try escaping in the beginning, but further reading I realized, there would have been no chance in hell she would have gotten far for long. All her compartmentalizing I thought I was going to have a conniption for her.
I have too many favorite quotes from this, I'll be sitting here typing all day.
I loved this it's going into my GOAT (Greatest Of All Time) file. I could talk about it all day. Instead I'll give some advice, the ending tore me up, if you read this make sure you've got sometime to dive straight into the second book, it is the only remedy for this book!
Read it! Enjoy it! Love it! Hate it! Cause once your done there's no going back.
“The heat of the summer transformed the green grass into long brown straw, only the weeds were green. Claire didn't mind, the weeds had pretty flowers. Unlike Tony's flowers, which had been sentenced to his yard, gardens, or clay pots, these flowers grew free wherever they wanted. Furthermore, weeds were survivors. When all else died, the weeds remained. Yes, Claire liked weeds.”
― Aleatha Romig, Consequences
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